15th July "Leadership and Learning in the ASIAN CENTURY"
ELLTA Conference 2014, ‘Leadership and Learning in the ASIAN CENTURY’ is a very relevant and important event happening in Malaysia, which takes up FUTURE LEARNING SPACES and TECHNOLOGY ENABLED LEARNING ENVIRONMENTS as an important theme (see sub-themes below):
- Future learning spaces in/for Asia? Future of higher education in/ for Asia?
- Emerging new spaces for Learning – Educational Apps, Educational Games, V-Learning, M-Learning, D-Learning, O-Learning, Game-based learning, MOOCS – Others?
- Technologies for Researchers and Educationists in the Asian Century?
- Cyber Intelligence in the ASIAN CENTURY
- Social Media as emerging space for Leadership and Learning
An exclusive Interactive Panel has also been organised, titled as, ‘Emerging Contexts of/ for Learning and Asian Century’ (see details at http://ellta.org/test/ellta2014/ ) It is a significant opportunity to reach out to a diverse audience of scholars and practitioners from across the globe (particularly from Asia) – constituted by university deans/ research directors, professors, researchers, consultants, learning technologists, CEOs, business development managers/ professional networkers, others. As of now, abstracts from 39 countries have been received. Still there is an opportunity to submit abstract by July 30, 2014.